Embark on a transformative journey of skill development and refining problem-solving abilities through practicing coding and technical questions on Codejudge. Discover how consistent practice not only boosts your confidence but also readies you for real-world challenges, making you a more proficient and employable developer.
To practice the questions, follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in to your Codejudge developer account. Once logged in, navigate to the Practice section in the dashboard.
Step 2: On clicking, it will take you to the practice homepage where you can practice different types of problems like Server App, Web Development App, IOS Mobile App, Android Mobile App, DS-Algo and SQL questions.
Step 3: On clicking the Solve button of DS-Algo type, it will display a list of questions available. You can also filter questions based on required skill, job role, technology etc. Click on the Solve button to solve any question.
Step 4: On clicking, it will display the detailed question with Constraints and Examples. You can write the code in any language and click on the Run button to validate the test cases. And click on the Submit button to save the code.
Step 5: On submitting the code, you can view the results in the Submission page.