Unlock the full potential of project-based assessments with our updated workflow, designed for Local IDE use. Download the Codejudge desktop app to combine the comfort of your own IDE with our advanced assessment features, making project submissions smoother and more intuitive.
Follow these steps to setup Local IDE during assessments:
Step 1: Click on the assessment link, it will open a Start Test page where the candidate can set up a workspace as Local IDE or Cloud IDE. Select Local IDE and click on Create New Workspace.
Step 2: On clicking, it will open a Workspace creation page where the candidate can select language and framework then hit the "Clone" button to get started.
Step 3: After cloning, it will generate a Github Repository link where the candidate can open and Accept the Collaborator Invitation.
Step 4: On accepting, the Environment will be set up and the candidate can follow the below steps to verify the connection. (Clone project, Start server, Connect local server to Codejudge servers)
Step 5: Finally on verifying the Git Commit Check, the candidate can Start Test in this workspace.
Step 6: On starting the test, it opens the workspace where the candidate can code and submit the project.
Later, the submission status can be viewed. (Accepted if solution is right, show issues/errors if solution is incorrect)
In this way, the candidates can do project based assessments on Local IDEs.