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Exploring Question Types: An Overview with Project Questions and Other Types

Codejudge is a comprehensive platform that offers various question types designed to assess candidates' coding skills and problem-solving abilities. As a recruiter or organization, understanding the diverse question types and project questions available on Codejudge is crucial for designing effective assessments.

Before proceeding further, take a look at the revamped question library.

Revamped Question Library View - Enhanced question creation experience for better understanding of different question types.

A) Types of questions: Project, Programming, Open-ended, MCQ

B) Auto/Manual graded tags: This tag tells you whether a question is automatically graded by the system or requires manual grading.

C) Git based setup vs Instant IDE setup projects: This highlights if the project assessment has Git-based setup (requiring 5-10 minutes to set up the IDE) or instant IDE setup.

Note: You can also see what languages are supported for a specific question by hovering you cursor on 'Supported Languages'.

Now that you're familiar with the revamped questions library view, let's take a look at different types of questions.

Step 1: Log in to the Codejudge recruiter page. Click on the “Questions” icon. Then go to “All Questions”. Here you can see question type filter in the filters section.

Step 2: As you can see, various types of questions exist.

Note: Auto - These questions will be automatically graded | Manual - These questions will have to be graded manually.

Step 3: Here, you can select the question type and all related questions present in the question bank will be displayed. 

Step 4: You can add or clone these questions as you wish.

Important Note - Question cloning support is only available for Programming type, MCQ, and Subjective questions. For micro-project and QA questions, it’ll soon be added.

Familiarity with the various question types on Codejudge is essential for recruiters aiming to conduct thorough technical assessments.

By utilizing a range of question types, including project, programming, multiple choice, and subjective questions, recruiters can evaluate candidates' diverse skills and competencies effectively. 

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