Scheduling interviews during the recruitment process is a critical step to assess candidates and find the best fit for your organization. Codejudge streamlines this process by offering tools for scheduling interviews within the test/assessment.
Step 1: Login to the Codejudge recruiter account and navigate to the "Test" section. Select the test that you want to schedule an interview for. Click on the “view" to check the candidate list.
Step 2 : Select the candidate you want to schedule the interview. Click on more action icon then you can simply click on the schedule interview.
Step 3: Fill in the essential details about your interview, such as the interview title and description. Then click on the “Questions” button to proceed further.
Step 4.1: If you want to add a question Click on “Add Question”. It will take you to the Add Question page where you can add questions from “Codejudge Library” and “My Company Library”.
Step 4.2: After selecting questions click on “Done”.
Step 5: Click on “Details”. It will take you to the “Details” page.
Step 6: In the details page basic candidate information will be auto-filled based on the resume uploaded during assessment. You only have to select the interviewer, set calendar event, start date and the duration of interview, scoring matrix. You can also create an interview template, enable audio video, enable recording, enable auto advanced completion. Then click save and send an invite.
Scheduling interviews within a test on Codejudge unifies the screening and interview process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can seamlessly connect with candidates, evaluate their skills, and make well-informed hiring decisions.