Help CenterAssessments - RecruitersTest Management

How to Unarchive Tests on Codejudge

Managing tests efficiently is essential for smooth operations, and sometimes you may need to reactivate previously archived assessments. 

Codejudge’s new Unarchive feature gives you greater control and flexibility by allowing you to unarchive previously archived tests with ease.

The Unarchive Tests feature enables users to restore archived tests back to an active state. 

This enhancement ensures that archived assessments are not permanently inaccessible, offering you the flexibility to reuse or review them as needed. Users can easily find archived tests using the status filter and reactivate them when required.

Step 1: Log into your company account on Codejudge and navigate to the ‘Tests Dashboard’.

Step 2: Use the ‘Status Filter’ to view the list of archived tests. Set the filter to ‘Archived’ to display only the archived assessments.

Step 3: Once the list of archived tests appears, locate the test you wish to unarchive. Then click on the ‘Unarchive’ button under Actions.

Step 4: The test will be moved back to the active list and can now be used again or modified as necessary.

The Unarchive Tests feature provides you with greater flexibility by allowing you to restore archived tests. This ensures that valuable assessments are not lost and can be reactivated when needed, improving your ability to manage tests efficiently. Make sure to leverage this feature to maintain control over your assessment inventory.