Help CenterAssessments - RecruitersTest Management

Test Deletion: How to Remove Tests

Codejudge provides recruiters with a powerful platform to conduct technical assessments and evaluate candidates' coding skills effectively. As a recruiter or organisation, you may occasionally need to manage your tests, including the deletion of old or no longer relevant assessments.

Step 1: Visit the Codejudge website and log in using your company account credentials.

Step 2: After clicking on “Test”,click on the three dots, the recruiter can delete the test which he/she wants to permanently delete. Then click on the “delete” button.

Step 3: After deleting the test, the recruiter can see which test he/she has deleted. From the status bar choose “deleted”.

Deleting tests on Codejudge is a vital part of test management, ensuring that your test repository remains organised and up-to-date. By following the step-by-step guide in this article, you can efficiently delete tests that are no longer needed, making way for new assessments and a streamlined recruitment process.